Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WRHS Homecoming 2011

Once again I was honored to be asked to take pictures for the Homecoming festivities at my school. It's always good to get back and see everyone. Every year there seems to be someone that I haven't seen since high school that is in attendance.

This year, just like the years past there was a beautiful group of girls and handsome guys on the homecoming court. Here's a sneak peek of what's happened that Friday night in October.  You can see all the photos from the court if you click the Client Proof link on the right of this page.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Been a bit since I've posted. End of the school year is always a crazy time! Had things for my sons school then did prom photos for one school, the graduation photos for my alma mater then left for a week in Florida! Needless to say I've been busy! Booked a wedding for July 23rd today! I love shooting weddings!! Such happy days! Well, if I can do anything for any of you please let me know! I'm all refreshed and ready to go!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Crave Photography Giveaway

So, there is a photographer giving away a 2 day workshop, all expenses paid trip. I would LOVE to win this, go to this link to read all about it!  Its an awesome deal. Love Crave Photography!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Easter Peeks

Here's just a few pics of what I've got so far from some of my easter sessions i've been working so hard to get edited! Just a little bit of a peek at the fun we've been having!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mothers Day Mini

If you have talked to me about the mothers day session and I have given you a time already please make sure you are already on the list! Emails were going fast and furious today! I want to make sure I didn't miss anyone! Only a few more slots left!

Sunday May 1st ONLY

3:30 - Donna F - Confirmed
4:00 - Jessica M - Confirmed
4:30 - Mallory L - Confirmed
5:00 - Teresa B
5:30 - Kyla K - Confirmed
6:00 - Michelle H - Confirmed

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mini Sessions

Some have asked me what the difference is in a "mini" session and a regular session. Different photographers have different definitions of what it means to them. To ME, my mini sessions are usually 1 to 2 days where I get a certain "theme" and do photos. Most times the cd's will have 5-10 photos on them depending on how your kiddos are cooperating that day. I do what I can to get as many shots as possible :)

My spring photos this year have been spread out a little more than my hubby would have preferred but with scheduling bunnies and busy schedules we just had to work it out that way. I have been trying to fit everyone in that wants a spot cause I love to see your kiddos just as much as you want the pics!

I will start requiring a deposit on mini sessions due to cancellations. I understand that things come up and that is not a problem. But the deposit will be held and applied to another session scheduled or mini session. Sometimes I do have to turn people away or they can't do the times that are left where they might could have done a time that someone ended up canceling on.

I will be doing a Mothers Day session in Tyler on the afternoon of May 1st. Please let me know asap if there is interest in this.

Also, so you can know what's going on so we aren't taking pictures every month. Here are some ideas I have in mind through the end of the year.

May - Mothers Day

I would like to do a "fathers day" shoot but my may and june are pretty full. If any kids and dads would be interested in doing this in July or August, please let me know. We will do it then!

October - annual Fall/Halloween mini
December - christmas themed mini

Again, thanks to all my loyal clients and if you ever have a question, suggestion, location, prop. Please let me know! I'm open to all kinds of new things! Thanks and love to you all!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It's time for spring/easter photos! And guess what, this year I have some bunnies! Have a few friends that are going to be nice enough to let me borrow their little darlings to use for some photos with your kiddos! Let me know asap what time you want!

I will do them same place we did fall photos, corner of chicken feather road (fm782) and hwy 259 in Henderson. Big old house with lots of land. Right now there are some really pretty yellow flowers, see Carter's 1 year session. Those were taken there this weekend.

March 26th
10:00 Debbie K
10:30 Kacy K
11:00 Michelle H
11:30 Mallory L
12:00 Lesia G

April 2nd - 3:30 is the earliest I can start on this date
3:30 Teresa B
4:00 Marlana D
4:30 Coli H
5:00 Kristy L, Charity
5:30 Tonya J., Alaina

April 3rd
1:00 Brenda P
1:30 Stacey B
2:00 Stacey H
2:30 Christy S

April 23rd
  9:00 Melissa V
  9:30 Muffin S
10:00 Krissy S
10:30 Gail S
11:00 Alisa C
11:30 Carley A

Monday, March 21, 2011


This was my first official shoot for Spring 2011 and I can't think of a better place to have it than in a field of flowers! Carter is turning 1 in April. We had a great time, he is such a sweet little boy and his mom and dad were awesome! He didn't really like his cake too much. Played in the icing some, but as for eating it, he'd rather wear it! Here are a few from our session. Take a peek at the rest here

Sweet Family Photos!

Here is a session I did over a week ago. Marlana has been so patient with me. We had a death in our family and I have had terrible allergies. Last week I was not feeling creative at all and didn't want to do her photos an injustice. Had to wait till I was better and back to full force! So, here is Marlana and her precious son Taylor. He is a ham in front of the camera once he gets going!!

These are just a few of my favs from our session, check out the rest here

Bigger really IS Better!

Another photographer blogged this the other day and I am borrowing it from them. they are in TN but the size of portraits and peoples thinking is nationwide  :) Just a quick easy read so you can really see that maybe sometimes the size you think you want might not be what will look the best for your space. Just some food for thought!

As written expressed by: Desirae Todd Photography

One of my biggest pet peeves as a photographer is hearing someone say that an 8x10 is BIG! Somehow in this world of ours, we have decided as a society that 8x10s are large wall portraits. I have no clue where this idea came from, but I am here to flush this idea straight down the potty!

Thanks to Ariana Falerni and her AWESOME wall display guides, I now have a fantastic way to SHOW you the difference in sizes! Below you will see 3 examples featuring a real life photo of a normal fireplace displaying an 8x10, 16x20 and 30x40 {gasp!}. You will be amazed once you see these photos!

First, we of course have our 8x10. Remember thinking that these were
LARGE wall portraits? Doesn't look so large now does it? & remember,
this is a normal size fireplace...nothing odd about it's size.
Next, we have a 16x20. Yes that size that sounds ever so intimidating and
often referred to as MASSIVE! Is it really that massive?! I find this to be
quite a nice size if you are going to be decorating your mantle with multiple
items as well as have a piece of photographic art hanging above!

& Last, but certainly not least, we have a 30x40! Wow! That sounds like an
incredible size that most will never even CONSIDER placing in their homes! But
just look at the amazing touch that it will add to a fireplace! Or over a couch! Any
place where there is a large empty wall space! This size is perfect for those who
want the photographic art to be the center of attention! & it would still look lovely
with a couple of vases thrown on that mantle! Don't ya think?!

Now trust me, I am not showing you these photos and making these comments to talk you into buying that 30x40! That size isn't right for everyone or their home! I am simply showing you these images to help you see that an 8x10 really is NOT that big and in fact, in the photography world...we consider it to be a desk print! So please, next time you are considering what size photo {or photo products, like gallery wraps-pictured above!} to hang in that big empty space, think twice about that 8x10!
Very well written, well thought out piece. Thought it might be helpful to some of you in deciding what size prints you would like to order in the future!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's been a while!

I have a few things that I have done the last few weeks that I have been falling behind on blogging about. So, here's to catching up!!

First of all, I was honored to be asked to take photos at a birthday party for an amazing set of twin boys, Garrett & Gavin! The kids had such an amazing time. Magician, balloon animals, cake, what more could you ask for! You can read the story of Gavin on his website  Such a blessing!

Then, last weekend I took pictures on Saturday, yes, the day it was oh about 40 degrees with wind that felt like it was freezing! I have 3 friends that were doing a carnival themed birthday party for their kiddos that were all turning 5 around the same time. Bounce house, clown, pony rides.....this party was the bomb! Check out the photos here  

And then that bring me to Karis. Sweet little Karis. I have photographed her on and off for the last few months. Bless her heart it sometimes takes us a little while to get going but when we do, she takes some cute pics! Check out her 9 month session here!

So, that's what I've been up to for the last month or so. If there is anything I can do for you and your family, let me know! My favorite time of year is upon us!!! Bunnies, flowers and green grass! Got that session coming up, let me know if you want in! YAY Spring!

Monday, February 7, 2011

V.M. Part 2

With all the blustery cold we had during the week, my 2nd round of mini's lost a few of it's participants. We still had two come out and brave the weather on Sunday though. Turned out to be a very pretty day! I'm glad we were able to get them done! One of the little darlings would have missed out all together if it hadn't been for the weather warming up a bit! And she was too dang cute to miss! Take a look at a few from this sunday. If you are still wanting a pic for Valentines day, you have ONE MORE CHANCE! I will be doing photos this Sunday afternoon, Feb 13th. FINAL time for this mini. So let me know if ya want in! $25 gets ya a cd with a few photos to do what you want with them!

Monday, January 31, 2011


This weekend we had BEAUTIFUL weather for our first round of Valentine Mini's. I had a few that had to cancel at the last minute due to some sick kiddos. Which happens, hope they are all doing well!  :) I sure hope the weather is just as good this next weekend for the 2nd round! *fingers crossed* since I hear there's a chance of sleet/snow/COLD tomorrow! But sunday looks like highs of 60's so hopefully it will all work out! Here's a few of the cuties I took pics of this weekend, the sun was a little tough, but at least it was out!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Valentines Mini Weekend!

It's that time again!! And I'm feeling well enough to hit the streets this weekend for at least an hour or so to do a quick mini. I will take 5 mini appts this weekend and then do another one next weekend if needed! Mini will be $25 for quick session and photos on CD. Since it is Valentines day, I will also be doing cards that I can order through my lab like we did Christmas cards so you can send them to your friends and family. Prices are as follows:

25 Photo paper 5x7 cards - $40
12 Card stock paper 5x7 cards - $25
12 Card stock paper 5x5 cards - $20
*all cards come with envelopes

Bookmarks will also be available
30 bookmarks for $25

I plan on starting Saturday, Jan 29th at 11 so it will be nice and "warm"

Sat Jan 29th
  • 11:00 B Rogers
  • 11:20 K Lee
  • 11:40 S Goodwin

Sun Feb 6th

  • 12:40 R Hale
  • 1:00 M Lees
  • 1:20 T Jackson
  • 1:40 C Ellis

Monday, January 17, 2011

Down one Gallbladder.....

Hello all! It's me! Recovering from gallbladder surgery. Things are going pretty well so far. I'm not near as sick or hurting as bad as I had feared I would be. So I'm pretty pleased thus far. I will be home all week so I will have plenty of time on my hands. If anyone is looking to schedule appts, let me know. Have some new ideas you want to try out, run them by me. Would like to host a photo party for you or your kids, I'd love to talk to you about that! There's tons of options available and you can get some great perks for yourself for doing something like that for me! Just send me an email,  I'm here all week!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Fit, Fun & Fabulous Challenge!!!

So in the spirit of everyones New Years Resolutions, I figured we could do something a little different this year. Lets do a get fit challenge! Contact me before January 16th, we'll take a photo of you as your before and then do one in the middle and one at the end. Contest will start January 17th, Mid-way photos will be week of Feb 19-27 and the final photos will be taken April 1-3.  Everyone that participates will receive a goodie bag!! (but not with food lol) The week of April 4-10 will be voting for the grand prize winner! The winner will be announced on April 12th! 
Enrollment is $25, you will get your before, midway and after photo taken, a goodie bag, an 8x10 of your after and a cd with before, midway and a few after photos. Plus a chance to win the grand prize!!! Plus encouraging, motivational emails along the way!!!

First and last photos are required to be taken and posted on the blog in order to be eligible for the grand prize.

Details on prizes coming soon! I have contacted some local vendors about participating, we'll see what all we can get in the goodie bag! I will have them ready for you hopefully when we do your before photo! Let me know asap!!!  Email me

  • $25 Melody Smiley Photography Gift Certificate for use on any session/purchase (so basically your enrollment is FREE)
  • Copy of the 30 min Biggest Loser/Subway Wake Up & Workout workout mix
  • Mary Kay Satin Hands Sampler Set
  • $5 off $25 order at Sparkle Galz Bowtique - Located in Arp, TX - We wanna make your little diva sparkle!! Specializing in custom orders! We make bows, tutu's, pillowcase dresses and more!
  • Some AVON goodies will be added to the bags 
  • $100 towards a photo purchase at Melody Smiley Photography
  • $10 off $50 purchase at The Mustard Seed
  • $50 of free Mary Kay products (even have things for men, or men could give this as a gift to your ladies) 
  • One FREE month at Curves in Henderson to the winner (men can gift it)
  • $25 Gift Certificate to SKITCH
*Ashley Orr Kierce of Hair Gone Wild will also be donating something to either the goodie bag or grand prize, details coming soon!


  • Melissa T - Jacksonville
  • Michael M - Henderson
  • Erin K - Tatum
  • Ashley R - Henderson
  • Alex S - Henderson

Photographer Giveaways

There is a photographers blog that I follow called The Savvy Photographer, they are giving away some awesome stuff! Take a look, you could win something good!!  view website